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Where can businesses and investors get more information or seek assistance from the BOI?

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  • Where can businesses and investors get more information or seek assistance from the BOI?
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  • Businesses and investors can access comprehensive information, guidance, and assistance from the BOI through multiple channels, including:
    • Official Website: The BOI’s official website provides detailed information on investment opportunities, incentives, registration procedures, and contact details for inquiries.
    • Regional Offices: The BOI has regional offices or investment promotion centers where businesses and investors can directly interact with BOI representatives, receive personalized assistance, and access local investment insights.
    • Investment Promotion Seminars and Business Forums: The BOI organizes seminars, workshops, and business forums to educate investors, showcase investment opportunities, and facilitate networking among stakeholders.
    • Direct Communication: Businesses and investors can reach out to the BOI through email, phone calls, or in-person visits to discuss specific investment inquiries, seek clarifications, and receive personalized support tailored to their investment needs.
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