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Where can businesses and entrepreneurs get more information or seek assistance from the BTI?

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  • Businesses and entrepreneurs can obtain more information, guidance, and assistance from the BTI through:
    • Official Website: Accessing the BTI’s official website, online resources, trade portals, and digital platforms to access information, download documents, submit inquiries, and access online services related to trade, investments, and industry.
    • Regional Offices: Visiting BTI’s regional offices, trade centers, investment promotion agencies, and industry hubs to meet with BTI representatives, receive personalized assistance, attend seminars, workshops, and training programs, and access local trade insights.
    • Trade Advisory Services: Consulting BTI’s trade experts, industry analysts, legal advisors, and trade consultants for advisory services, trade consultations, trade policy analysis, market entry strategies, export-import guidance, and trade-related inquiries.
    • Training Workshops: Participating in BTI’s training workshops, capacity-building programs, trade seminars, and industry briefings on trade topics, export readiness, trade compliance, market access, and export promotion strategies.
    • Business Counseling Sessions: Engaging in one-on-one business counseling sessions, business clinics, business advisory meetings, and export coaching sessions with BTI advisors, industry mentors, and trade specialists to discuss specific business needs, trade challenges, and opportunities for growth.
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